Saturday, November 5, 2016

Strawberry Basil Galette

Strawberry Basil Galette -


not feel much summer to me that the introduction of farm fresh strawberries in farmers markets local. It seems that there is a short period of time the most perfect juicy berries are available either choose for yourself or buy in lovely green cards. I was thrilled to discover that there is a new green market within walking distance of my apartment that has borne fruit beyond the eye could see! I had a few pints and strolled home to cook something fabulous. I'm a major blow to pie, but we had company coming over in a few hours, so I wanted something a bit faster. So Patties this was- easy, rustic and delicious.



Have you ever paired with basil? Fresh grass so well with the sweet berries and I find this pie to die for good. Of course, I used my favorite instant tapioca keep it nice and thick filling. It also prevents the crust from getting soggy from all the fruit juice (which is a typical problem with these types of pies.) Seriously, if you cook with fruit and hate the mess that aqueous ensues- usually you have the try for a thickener. It was the summer cooking in something that I can not get enough! (S0 although I have another amazing fruit tart for you later this week, and have been cooking up a storm pie entire weekend is highlighted on my instagram!)

This recipe made 4 6 inches tarts- but you can easily turn into a big pie crust dual (or some small tarts- the possibilities are endless!)

Stay tuned for a fabulous ice cream sandwich recipe for later this week, and my new favorite pie !!

Strawberry Basil Galette
  • 2 9-inch Pie crusts
  • 1 liter of strawberries, hulled and sliced ​​
  • zest and juice of 1 lemon
  • ¼ cup more 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of instant tapioca (you can also use corn starch, but the finished product will be more liquid.)
  • 1 large sprig of basil chopped (about ¼ cup.)
  • cream or milk for brushing the crust
  • raw sugar for sprinkling
  1. in a large bowl, combine the berries, sugar, tapioca, lemon zest, juice and about half the basil. Let let stand while you prepare the crust.
  2. Cut each crust into two parts and let three of them cold in the refrigerator while you work on first.
  3. Rolling in an 8 -inch circle and spoon about ¼ of the filling into the center-leaving at least 1 ½ inches around the free edge for folding.
  4. Fold the border of the dough over the filling to the middle, pressing lightly to seal. Set aside while you repeat with the other parts of the crust.
  5. Brush the edge of the crust with cream and sprinkle with raw sugar.
  6. Bake at 425F for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 350F and bake for 20 minutes or until crust is golden and filling is bubbly.
  7. Let cool on rack. Serve warm or room temperature.
