Monday, July 25, 2016

{Monday} Milk Bar Confetti Cookies

{Monday} Milk Bar Confetti Cookies -

These look familiar huh? Well yes you are right I made these cookies a few months ago. In fact, it was in the manufacture of these that I had the idea to start Monday Milk Bar first. I loved them so much, but I wanted to share the experience with other bloggers, and I knew that commonly more difficult recipes would be good for me. So when Cassie chose this recipe for all of us to do, I'm really excited for everyone to try. I liked these cookies, I still love him now, and I think they will always be a perfect festive treat for any kind of celebration. I highly recommend trying this birthday cake cookie as uncomplicated Recipe- it is so worth it!

Since I do not have a new recipe for you today, I celebrate St. Patrick delicious theme for a future, more exciting gift later in the week! And be sure to check the other Milk Bar Monday Creations via the links below. Happy Monday!

Cassie-Bake Your Day
Krissy Krissy-Creations
Meagan- Scarletta Bakes
Jaqueline- Dusty Baker
sweet Nicole-peony
