Before going into the details of this post you all should know that, at that time there I m moving apartments! This was the last baked treat that I can whip in the original "itty bitty kitchen," but I hope that after a few days, I'll have the kitchen ready to cracking again! (And I feel like I still get to call my new kitchen "itty bitty" because although its bigger and better than what I'm used to, yet its NYC and lets be serious- most kitchens are small.)
anyway, I'm so excited to share this fabulous recipe apple in the oven by Rachel "apple a Day" extravaganza! Each day this month a different blogger shares a delicious candy apple on his blog and today is my lucky day. When I started brainstorming what to share, I knew I wanted to do something I had never touched before, because that- you know. Challenges are fun. Granola bars are one of my favorite snacks and wanted to make one that just burst with pieces of dried apples, cinnamon, nutmeg and spice (that- you good things.)
this is my humble opinion that it is the best ever granola bars. They really and truly taste like apple pie and every bite is full of apple and spice. I added a few pieces of toasted coconut for a little texture, but I think pecans would be amazing too. (You know I have no husband hates nuts.) I hope you like this recipe as much as I fall DO- head on Rachel's site to check it out!