Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Polka Dot Peach Pie

Polka Dot Peach Pie -


I warned you guys earlier that I was a bit of a cooking kick summer fruit. I made this beautiful peach pie twice in the last two weeks and it's just amazing. As much as I love the joy of biting into a juicy peach and sweet all summer, there is something of peaches in hot oven with flaky crust and a scoop of ice cream that is (perhaps) even better.


I tried something new with the pie decoration and the verdict is still not if I love or hate. Is it kind of remind you of craters in the moon? Or a strange mask Freddy Kreuger guy? Anyway I'm not 100% sure how I feel about the whole thing with peas, but the pie itself is amazing and it's all that matters. (I did a lattice crust fancy the second time I did it and that was nice, but took forever!

If I open my pie store one day, you can bet you find peach pie in all summer long menu. in fact, I usually cook my peaches cobbler, but it was amazing too. I love how the pies are easy to carry, ideal for in advance, and seem to represent something so classic, all-American. I loved doing this for the 4th of July with my young cousin of Jordan, professor and her aunt how the pie dough and build a network. I am a sucker to pass along the secrets of cooking!

Peach Pie

in a note untied completely, tomorrow Andy evening one I go to a wedding. It is 4:00 the house of my parents and we let Hugo bear with my parents for the night. I'm parts- equal fear of being apart from him, excited for 30 hours with my husband, it is in the quiet amazing hands, and hopeful that milk that I was pumping all week is sufficient. We wish all the luck! :)

Polka Dot Peach Pie
  • 1 double Pie Crust
  • peaches- 5-6 cups peeled slices and sliced ​​(I got this from 11 medium peaches or large peaches 8-9 )
  • cinnamon ½ teaspoon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • zest and juice of ½ lemon
  • little ¼ cup of instant tapioca (flour or cornstarch may work in a pinch)
  • ½-3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 egg for brushing the crust
  • raw sugar for sprinkling
  1. in a large bowl, combine the sliced ​​peaches, cinnamon, vanilla, lemon zest, sugar and tapioca. Mix well and set aside.
  2. Spread a layer of pie crust and drape in a 9-inch pie plate. Pour peaches inside. Roll out the second layer of pastry and use a small cookie cutter or the end of a great round icing tip to cut pea crust. Drape Fisheries and crimp the edges. (You can also make a lattice top or a simple double crust, cutting a few slits in the top.)
  3. Brush the crust with beaten egg and sprinkle with coarse sugar. Bake at 425F for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 350F and bake for 30-40 minutes or until crust is golden and peaches are sparkling.
  4. Cool to warm before serving.
* If you do not want to use tapioca now, I'm sure corn starch or flour as a thickener would work, just maybe not as well, giving a slightly liquid filling.
