Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Brown Butter Apple Custard Pie

Brown Butter Apple Custard Pie -


So I referred to it for a few weeks, but PIE week is finally here! Whoopie! A whole week (and 3 days at least) delicious Pie Recipes from my fellow bloggers and me. My brain is hard-core fashion Thanksgiving dessert and I hope you are excited as I am for the week of inspiration. In addition to recipes, Brandy & I organized gifts pie on the fabulous theme starting with a King Arthur Flour and Cabot today! (Details below)


I begin with we preferred taking on classic apple pie everyone. These are not your apple pie the mill race well, he is full of so many special touches like butter toasted brown, rich cream and cinnamon crisp and crumbly topping. This tart is both tart and sweet and perhaps my favorite new twist on the classic. I used the weekend to a few friends that we visited and everyone agreed the different flavors and textures created something really special. Every bite is layered with creamy apple pie goodness that I could not get enough.

I tried several ways from done, room temperature, hot and cold straight from the fridge. I must say that nothing compares quite enjoy cold as cream taste somehow better and tart apples are even more refreshing. It also wins this pie major points in my book for being so easy to prepare in advance, cover well, and save for a day or two before serving. Planning is the key to the holiday prep do you say?

pie week banner

Brown Butter Apple Custard Pie
  • only 1 9-inch pie crust
for apples:
  • 4 pie medium and firm apples, peeled and sliced ​​(about 5 cups)
  • ¼ cup butter
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • ½ nutmeg spoon coffee
  • ¼ teaspoon ground ginger
for the cream:
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • ⅔ cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 4 tablespoons flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
for the filling:
  • ½ cup all-purpose flour
  • ½ brown sugar cup
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons cold soup cubed buttermilk.
  1. Preheat oven to 375F
for apples :.
  1. In a saucepan of medium to large, brown butter over medium-high heat. (Once it is melted stir constantly until it is toasted golden brown with dark spots.
  2. Add spices in butter, then gently add the apple slices, throwing in the butter mixture spices.
  3. cook for about 5 minutes, or until apples have softened slightly Remove from heat and set aside
for the cream : ..
  1. Whisk all the heavy cream, egg and vanilla extract until smooth consistency Add the sugar, flour and salt Whisk until smooth and lump-free set aside
for the filling: ....
  1. in a medium bowl, combine the flour, brown sugar and cinnamon Add the butter and use your. hands to work into the dry ingredients until crumbly without larger pieces than a pea
to assemble.
  1. Roll out the dough pie and integrate it into a 9-inch pie pan, crimp the edges with your fingers, the back of a knife or fork
  2. spread. apples evenly in the bottom of the crust. Pour the cream over the potatoes and sprinkle with crumb topping on cream.
  3. Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until crust is golden and filling is crisp crumb filling with bubbling around the edges.
  4. Let cool on rack and enjoy warm or cool completely and refrigerate before serving.

I could not be happier for the wonderful products we are giving away today the fabulous King Arthur Flour and Cabot. Two lucky players will be chosen for the gift today for the following great prizes:

From King Arthur Four: 1 bag of flour, all purpose 1 pumpkin pie spice pot, 1 pot pie apple spice, 1 deep dish pie pan and rolling pin 1

Cabot :! 1 gift basket containing various cheeses and Cabot products

Follow the instructions in the widget below to enter:

Looking for Week Pie recipes? Consult what my colleagues gals pie-whipped!

Apple Bourbon hand Nutmeg Nanny Pies

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Winter Squash Pot Pie with Chickpeas and swiss chard Eats well with others

Fancy holiday Chocolate Pecan Pie Keep It Sweet Desserts

Chocolate Pecan Tart of baking or Break

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