This is the last day of Frozen Treat week and did something healthy share with you! (In addition, we have another AMAZING giveaway- see below.) Not only is it completely healthy, but it is so delicious that you'll fool you into thinking you're sipping a milkshake rich instead of some something good for you. In fact, I think I drank what would be the "treat" perfect to give a child. (I think this stuff now, you see.)
I got a version of this several times a smoothie place I love called Soft Serve Fruit in Union Square. Their stuff is amazing and made all frozen fruit, water and a little brown sugar. They have a killer smoothie that is made of their soft serve banana fruit, dark chocolate, peanut butter and almond milk-and that's what I tried to recreate here!
I think I did a pretty great job. Their version is a little softer, which is probably due to some added cane sugar. I love both versions, and finally add some honey for me in the end. I enjoyed it for an afternoon pick me up, but I feel good to have at any time of the day. (Chocolate can be the breakfast if combined with fruit and protein right ??)
- 3 ripe bananas *
- 1 cup pod or almond milk which
- ½ cup cream, peanut butter
- 1½ oz dark chocolate
- 1 cup ice cubes
- 1-2 tablespoons tablespoons cane or honey sugar (to taste)
- Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth.
Nothing would be better to whip this baby in a blender BLENDTECH fancy that we're giving away below! There is also a gift from Big Kitchen- see details in the widget!
It is another day of amazing frozen treats other beautiful ladies participating. Check their messages below!
Pineapple Strawberry Milkshake Cucina Katie
Toasted Marshmallow Milkshake Nutmeg Nanny
Guinness Chocolate Milkshake Cooking with Books
Pina Colada Smoothie a mosaic edible
Blueberry Sorbet Chocolate & Carrots
Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Milkshake Rachel Cooks
Blueberry goat cheese Coconut Ice Cream Remedy soft
Coffee smoothie with fresh cherries cook Story
Twix Ice Cream Sandwich Cake Foodie with the family
Mango Lassi Popsicles Eats well with others
Greek yogurt Popsicles damn Delicious