Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Blueberry Muffin Cake coffee

Blueberry Muffin Cake coffee -


I love brunch do? It allows to occur after sleeping and drive to our favorite restaurant around noon. Now, after getting up at 7 with Hugo, breakfast, sometimes to return to sleep a little, and not have energy to Kitchen- we drive to our favorite restaurant and play defense game with Hugo, trying to eat with one hand while blocking him from hitting all the food on the table. Sometimes it's just not worth it, and these days, I'm happy for recipes like this.
This coffee cake is basically my favorite recipe Blueberry Muffin baked like a cake with brown sugar topping. It is super moist and full of fleshy berries in every bite. It takes only 10 minutes to whip up that which is perfect for those days when we want something beautiful to enjoy our Hugo, but make coffee requires our attention. (I could dream new brunch menus for each single weekend- it is by far my favorite meal of the day!)

PS I a child of 4 months and that's crazy. I have several comments Mama / Baby stored in my mind to share with you soon! :)

