Thursday, February 9, 2017

Blackberry Plum Galette

Blackberry Plum Galette -

Blackberry Plum Galette

You know those comparisons cute fruit during pregnancy? Like how every week, they tell you the size of your growing baby is with a new fruit to compare? Well, I am quite been cooking with my baby fruit of the week, which I think is funny. Especially since I really had no idea what I was doing until later. First there was the cheese without cooking with blueberry sauce fast during my first days of baby blueberry size, then roast it and Plum Raspberry Smoothie with the baby became raspberry size kindness. I jumped a few weeks probably because I was not inspired by grapes and kumquats- but after cooking it Blackberry Plum Galette last week and was informed that "This week, your baby is the size of a plum " I had to laugh. This week the baby is the size of a pea pod that is cute as can be, but not too wise cooking inspiration. (Maybe next week if the lemon?)


Wafers are otherwise known as a pie lazy-girl and that's just what this girl lately. Hot and lazy. Sitting in the sector seems the only viable option when a heat index of over 100 degrees. It was not too hot when I cooked, but now it's so bad in my kitchen-you can only get frozen desserts until I visit my parents in Milwaukee this weekend where he is supposed to be 70 DEGREES. Hallelujah!

I love the rich black blackberries and plums and the fact that the two fruits are naturally on the side-pie made for a truly delicious flavor. I used my favorite pie crust, threw the fruit with sugar, thickener and vanilla and that's about all. This thing is easy. Not only that- but it does not take long and can be done with so many different fruit options. Peaches or nectaries would be a great sub for plums, and any other bay would work as well. I love me some easy desserts do you?


Stay cool friends. I do not know if this wave of heat epic hit other parts of the country- but I'm arming myself with tons and tons of water and loose clothing baggiest I can find. Is it too much to say that I do not really care for the summer in New York and I am so grateful that I am in the early stages of pregnancy and have not yet felt great and uncomfortable? My good friend is due any day now and it can not be easy. 2 months until the fall !! ;)

Blackberry Plum Galette
  • ½ lot Pie Crust (single sheet)
  • 1 cup fresh blackberries
  • 4 small plums, pitted and sliced ​​
  • ½ light brown sugar cup
  • 1½ teaspoons corn or tapioca starch
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract coffee
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • raw sugar for watering
  1. Spread the crust with a 12-inch circle and chill in the refrigerator while you prepare the topping
  2. in a medium bowl combine the sugar, cornstarch and vanilla and mix. Add the fruit and toss to coat well. Leave the release of fruit juice is allowing it to rest for about 20 minutes, stirring 2-3 times.
  3. 5 minutes before the fruit is ready to take the crust from the refrigerator and let it soften slightly at room temperature on a sheet of parchment placed on a rimmed baking sheet with foil * .
  4. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the fruits in the center of the crust, leaving a 2-inch border. Drizzle most over fruit juice.
  5. Brush border of the crust inside with egg and fold the corners of the crust in the fruit and sealing it in. (The holes in the crust can lead to leaking juicy mess.)
  6. Brush the outside with egg and sprinkle with raw sugar.
  7. Bake at 375 F for 45-55 minutes-or until crust is golden brown and the fruit is bubbly. Serve warm with ice cream or at room temperature.
* I made the mistake not to cook mine on a rimmed sheet lined -foil and my oven was a disaster drippy smoky-. Learn from my mistake! :)

adapted recipe from Smitten Kitchen via Bon Appetit
