Tuesday, November 22, 2016

{Monday} Milk Bar cornflake-Chocolate Chip-Marshmallow Cookies

{Monday} Milk Bar cornflake-Chocolate Chip-Marshmallow Cookies -


Happy Monday! What better way to ring in the week with another slice of Milk Bar Monday? Today we have another cookie created for you, loaded with mini chocolate chips, marshmallows, and clusters of crunchy cornflake.


The crisis of cornflake was probably my favorite part of this whole recipe. In fact, I found myself unable to stop snacking on it before I added to the dough. It was sweet, crispy, salty, and as he had powdered milk as a key ingredient, it was necessary that certain taste that I could not put my finger on. I will definitely do again this crisis using some creatively in the future.


Now, the cookies were good too, but I have to make some adjustments if ever I made them again. Milk Bar stuff is still ridiculously low, but in this case it seemed a bit much. I think a little less butter would have made these thicker and a little less rich cookies. I am unable to eat more than a corner of one of these without the need milk to wash stat. I actually think the best way to make these less rich cookies is to eliminate sugar form the recipe for crisis and to use as little as possible butter to bind the whole. crunch rich, richer dough is equal to a sweet biscuit.


All that said, the flavor combos in these cookies were amazing. I've never put marshmallows in cookies before and I like the gooeyness they created. I also love cooking with mini chocolate chips. Chocolate is much better dispersed so that every mouthful a few bits. And you know I love the cornflake crunch!


Averie Cooks from Averie is our guest this week and she posted the full recipe on its website.

Please also check out my other milk bar Monday daughters:

Cassie to Bake Your Day
Erin Big Fat Baker
Krissy Krissy creations
Meagan Scarletta Bakes
Jaqueline to Dusty Baker
Nicole at Sweet Peony

serious- And if you have not got this cookbook yet- you really should! We have a lot of recipes to get through! :)
